#sniffo.org is alive!

alk's song !
( Based on "Armless Skater", by Satanic Surfers )

[11:50'18"]     vjt| I had a friend whose only job
[11:50'28"]     vjt| Was to keep him nerdish and to flog his log
[11:50'37"]     vjt| Those were the only things he wanted to do
[11:50'44"]     vjt| And I think that's really NERD
[11:50'53"]     vjt| Then one day he had an accident
[11:51'00"]     vjt| And had to amputate his fingers
[11:51'08"]     vjt| I'd like to guess if he was sad that day ..
[11:51'14"]     vjt| He can't code
[11:51'25"]     vjt| He can't browse pr0n
[11:51'32"]     vjt| And he surely cannot masturbate no moooooooore

( E adesso, qualcosa di orribile )

mint su eeepc

Mounted Mint on eeepc today, it seems to be cool! =)

Project Arise

Ciao ragazzi, la mia assenza in questi mesi e' dovuta anche a questo: abbiamo girato una serie horror a torino di 10 puntate da 3 minuti l'una ed e' finalmente online il sito poiche' e' uscita ieri la prima puntata. Iscrivetevi numerosi nella home del sito per ricevere ogni settimana il link per vedere la puntata!! Nel sito che secondo me e' ben fatto trovate diverse sezioni tra cui anche un forum per commentare le puntate e segnalare problemi tecnici.
Il persoanggio che interpreto comparira' verso la fine della serie nelle ultime puntate. Buona visione!
Sappiatemi dire cosa ne pensate =)

Goodbye sniffo.org/, welcome sindro.me/

I'll never regret the creation of sniffo.org, and I'll always thank MorrigaN for forcing me to do it, back in 2007. Like the endless days and nights we spent together on IRC in the first years of the new millenium, setting up and managing sniffo.org was fun, until only myself started posting and following it. Much the same that happened to the IRC channel.

Yeah, I know that I'm the founder, and I should keep up the channel, site and feelings. But I ain't no god and neither wanna be, I didn't create the past situations nor was the pulsating heart of the #sniffo community. I simply gave my time and soul to it, and all of you inconsciounsly felt it and did the same. That's why we spent so much good time together. Because of our big big hearts, and the amounts of love that flowed through them Smiling.

Again, I'll never regret, this is not a "fuck you off" post, quite the opposite, in fact. I love you all, and I'll never stop thanking you for all the good time we spent together. So good that it'll never come back, and no one can ever make come it back. We tried, MorrigaN, and we failed, because things are constantly changing, and living in the past is a no-brainer Smiling.

Now, back to the subject, I've decided to split the funny bullshits me and you posted here from humbly serious and technical stuff I work on everyday, so I built up http://sindro.me/, on which I'll continue posting much more often than I post here. So, click on the link, and add it to your bookmarks and RSS reader! Smiling


How to mirror a static copy of the opensource.org website

I currently maintain the italian mirror of the Open Source Initiative web site, and today I realized that the script I wrote some months ago wasn't doing its job well.. because the CSS files weren't downloaded at all, causing a rather unpleasant rendering of the site.

To mirror opensource org I'm currently using the plain'ol GNU Wget -r --mirror and so on. While the good'ol wget downloads each page prerequisite defined in the HTML source, it doesn't support @import CSS rules, and doesn't download images referenced in CSS with url() rules.

BTW, nothing that can't be resolved with some regex-fu: that's why I'm sharing the script I'm currently using to mirror the opensource.org web site, hoping it will generate either a new mirror or some insights on how to do this job better :).

The script: update_opensource_mirror.sh

Continuous evolution

7.6M 20081209132347
7.0M 20081209133350
7.6M 20081209144343
7.1M 20081209145133
7.1M 20081209151843
7.1M 20081209163013
7.1M 20081209175506
7.1M 20081209183553
7.1M 20081211122939
8.6M 20081212190026
8.3M 20081212201852
8.3M 20081212203943
8.3M 20081212205430
8.3M 20081213014847
8.3M 20081213020357
8.4M 20081213163428
8.4M 20081213173633
8.4M 20081213184749
8.5M 20081214171239
8.5M 20081214174058
8.5M 20081215122638
8.5M 20081215152408
8.5M 20081215171627
8.5M 20081215200430
8.5M 20081215205042
8.5M 20081215235659
8.5M 20081216000247
8.5M 20081216164820

a permalink_fu improvement: allow modification of permalinks and create redirects on-the-fly

Another spin-off from the www.visitacsa.it website: a permalink_fu improvement that allows dynamic permalinks. I know it is an oximoron, because permalinks should be .. well .. permanent! And because search engines index them, they should never change. But what happens when you publish something, your permalink is generated with permalink_fu using the title of your post, and after a couple of days you want to change the title, and the permalink under which the post is accessible as well?

Following the specification, your app should send out a 301 moved permanently HTTP status when accessing the old permalink and redirect the client to the new Uniform Resource Locator. That's quite the same thing what my modification to permalink_fu does: whenever your post attributes are changed, the former and new permalinks are saved to the database, and you can enable your controller to generate 302 moved temporarily redirects when needed. In other words, it checks whether the requested URL is an old permalink, and automagically redirects the client to the new one.

The jQuery ajax-upload-fu plugin

This jQuery plug-in allows AJAX file uploads without having a fixed file input button. It achieves its goals by installing an OnMouseMove handler over the selected elements, and moving the input button under the mouse cursor.

The quote that inspired this code is: "If Muhammad won't go to the the mountain, the mountain will come to Muhammad",the opposite of the more known proverb :).

It has been spinned off from the http://www.visitacsa.it/ JavaScript codebase, see the gist for more information, and have a look onto the live app code for an example of its usage.

Here is the source code:

The Windows 7 default wallpaper meaning.

When you install the developer beta of Windows 7, after the usual 3 reboot cycle, you are greeted with the following image:

Windows 7 fish

AU Lab power II

AU Lab pwnz II

AU Lab power II.

Improving: there is no need to use NetSend and NetReceive to play on 8 speakers: an aggregate device composed of Soundflower 2ch, the USB 6ch SBlive and the Built-in output is enough!
